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Outlaw Star Wiki
The Proud Dragon
The Proud Dragon
Angel Links episode
English Title "The Proud Dragon"
Japanese Title "Hokori Takaki Ryuu (Doragon)" (誇り高き龍(ドラゴン))
Writer Ibuki Hideaki
Director Yuji Yamaguchi
US Airdate N/A
Japanese Airdate April 21, 1999
Previous Episode A Wasted Fairy Tale
Next Episode Lief - Living Ether Flier

"The Proud Dragon" is the third episode in the Angel Links series. It aired April 21, 1999 on the WOWOW Network.


Angel Links is sent on a routine escort mission where their goal is to protect a precious statue of a dragon made of dragonite. However, they must also content with the likes of a snobby and vengeful science officer named Warren Phantom, who wants revenge against Meifon Li for disrespecting him.
